Untitled (Old Newcomb Campus Building)
Felucca Capris (The Felucca, Capri)
Portrait of Patrick M. Westfeldt Sketching
French Quarter Courtyard
Untitled (Two-sided, verso & recto)
Untitled (Study for Gargoyle)
Untitled (Study of Gargoyle)
Gothic Design in Oak, Chester Cathedral
Medal Proposed in Commemoration of the Bicentenary of New Orleans
New Orleans 1918 Bicentennial
Untitled (Study of a Chair)
Louis XV Bergere Chair
American Cottage Chair
Louis XVI, Rosewood tapestry
One of the Many Chippendale Designs
Untitled (interior scene)
American Chippendale (Two-sided, recto & verso)
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Last updated: 11/29/2024