Untitled (Plant Study, Bamboo)
Untitled (Plant Study, Plumbago)
Untitled (Plant Study, Mespilous Plum)
Untitled (Plant Study, Japanese Quince)
Untitled (Plant Study, Magnolia)
Untitled (Plant Study, Jonquils)
Untitled (Plant Study, Tulips)
Untitled (Plant Study, Oleander)
Untitled (Plant Study, Gladiola)
Untitled (Plant Study, Morning Glory)
Untitled (Plant Study, Bogavilla)
Untitled (Plant Study, Nasturtium)
Untitled (Plant Study, Calangela)
Untitled (Plant Study, China Berry Blossom)
Untitled (Plant Study, Iris)
Untitled (Plant Study, Primroses)
Untitled (Plant Study, Narcissus)
Untitled (Plant Study, Day Lilies)
Untitled (Plant Study, Honey-suckle)
Untitled (Plant Study, Dogwood)
Untitled (Plant Study, White Jesimine [sic])
Untitled (Plant Study, Palms)
Untitled (Plant Study, Geranium)
Untitled (Plant Study, Hybiscus)
Untitled (Plant Study, Hyacinth)
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Last updated: 11/29/2024