Untitled (magnolias)
Silver Monkey Shaped Pin
Beadwork Flowers
dish with grape imagery, tea service
dish with turtle and lantern, tea service
cup with bee, tea service
base, Ringed "Sample" Vase
Silver Bufferfly Shaped Pin
Silver Pendant with Yellow Stone
Pierced Brass Lamp Shade
Newcomb Jewelry Box
Newcomb Jewelry and Metalcraft Box
Chess Piece, Queen
Yellow and Green Pitcher
Lid (Brown and White)
Handled Pitcher
Vanity China - Bowl
Vanity China - Lid
Vanity China - Small Plate
Vanity China - Plate
Vanity China - Small Cup
Lid (Black and White)
Hand-Painted Cup
Three-Part Ornamental Frame
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Last updated: 11/29/2024